Track Single Section
Track in View

Detect whether an element is in view with the Intersection Observer API.

  • isIntersecting: false


import { useIntersectionObserverState } from '@react-scrollytelling/core';
export const IntersectionSection = () => {
  const sectionRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
  const { isIntersecting } = useIntersectionObserverState(sectionRef);
  return (
      <section ref={sectionRef}>
        <h1>Intersection Observer</h1>
        <p>isIntersecting: {`${isIntersecting}`}</p>


The useIntersectionObserver hook accepts the following parameters:

export function useIntersectionObserver(
  sectionRef: React.RefObject<Element>,
  options: IntersectionObserverOptions,
  shouldObserve: boolean,
  onObserve?: (isIntersecting: IntersectionObserverEntry) => void
) // ...
  • sectionRef: A reference to the element to observe.
  • options: Allow customizing the observer. You can pass an IntersectionObserverOptions object to configure the observer (opens in a new tab).
  • shouldObserve: A boolean that determines whether to observe the element. You can disable the observer by setting this value to false. Default value: true.
  • onObserve: A callback function that is called when the element is intersecting. The callback receives an IntersectionObserverEntry object as an argument.